What comes with FOCUS T25? The Base Kit comes with: 10 Workouts ALPHA: Cardio is a calorie burning, sweat drenching, cardio based workout. ALPHA: Ab Intervals is where you will be spending a lot of your time on the floor doing ab workouts with quick cardio recovery workouts in between. This routine will have you shredding the fat from your midsection and getting you the abs of your dreams.
ALPHA: Speed 1.0 gets you fast results with this fast paced workout that will ignite your quickness while burning the fat from your body. ALPHA: Lower Focus is the key to burning fat and kicking up your metabolism as you focus on working your lower-body muscles. ALPHA: Total Body Circuit focuses on strength and resistance without having to lift a single weight. BETA: Core Cardio is where you'll 'get your sweat on', with this progressive cardio-core workout designed to get you shredded fast. BETA: Dynamic Core will take you from vertical to horizontal and back again in this dynamic, crazy core routine. BETA: Speed 2.0 has you rev it all the way up with Shaun's calorie-scorching, core-focused speed drills.